Create function for readline command

The problem

Clearing the screen on the terminal is quite finicky. The behaviour on some emulators (Ghostty, Kitty & co.) is massively different than say on iTerm2 or the macOS built-in

You see, I tend to use the command clear, which is aliased to c in my case. Now, I like to keep the scrollback buffer intact.

Using clear, the scrollback is only preserved so far by iTerm2 and the In all the other emulators that I’ve tried so far, the scrollback gets cut off – from the bottom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

But listen… when I use Ctrl+l (clear-screen), I do not get the issue. But I want to keep using c+return because I am used to it. Stubbornness, I guess. I want what I want.

So how do I essentially bind c+return to clear-screen at the prompt?

The solution

Turns out that one can create a function to call a readline command, and doing so circumvents a keybinding like Ctrl+l.


c_clear_screen() {
    if [[ $BUFFER == "c" ]]; then
        zle clear-screen         # Perform the clear-screen action
        BUFFER=""                # Clear the input buffer (remove "c")
        zle accept-line          # Execute the default "Return" behavior

# Register the widget
zle -N c_clear_screen

# Bind "Return" to the custom function
bindkey '^M' c_clear_screen

The function is conditional since I don’t want to trap return for all other commands.

Extra mile:

alias c='true'

Since c is not recognised as a command, now plugins like zsh-syntax-highlighting get confused. The last little snippet in the .zshrc remediates this.

The conclusion

There are a bunch of readline commands. And for whatever reason – if you want to create a function, you can do this. Ain’t that fantastic!?