Custom Emacs functions No. 3 - Dired

File Management

There should now be a trend in this series for custom functions (see the last posts for baseline & modules functions). I like things to work my way.

This is of course a reasonably easy thing to do using Emacs. With it being extensible and stuff…

It is no different with file management using Dired.

Dired custom functions


Dired by defaults keeps the old Dired buffer when navigating on the file systems. This causes Emacs to “collect” a bunch of opened Dired buffers. I and my mild OCD do not like this one bit.

This functions navigates up a directory in dire by using find-alternate-file which kills the “previous buffer”.

(defun timu-dired-up-directory ()
  "Go up a directory in `dired'."
  (find-alternate-file ".."))


This functions forces the marked files or the file at point to be opened inside of Emacs.

(defun timu-dired-open-all-in-emacs (&optional file)
  "Open the current FILE or Dired marked files in Emacs."
  (let (doIt (myFileList
               ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
               ((not file) (list (buffer-file-name)))
               (file (list file)))))
    (setq doIt (if (<= (length myFileList) 30) t
                 (y-or-n-p "Open more than 30 files? ")))
    (mapc (lambda (fPath)
            (let ((process-connection-type nil))
              (start-process "" nil "emacsclient" fPath))) myFileList)))


Simple function to open a marked files or the file at point in the default macOS App for the file type.

(defun timu-dired-open-in-external-app (&optional file)
  "Open the current FILE or Dired marked files in external app.
The app is chosen from your OS's preference.
  (let (doIt (myFileList
               ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
               ((not file) (list (buffer-file-name)))
               (file (list file)))))
    (setq doIt (if (<= (length myFileList) 30) t
                 (y-or-n-p "Open more than 30 files? ")))
    (when doIt
       ((string-equal system-type "windows-nt")
        (mapc (lambda (fPath)
                 "open" (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "\\" fPath t t)))
       ((string-equal system-type "darwin")
        (mapc (lambda (fPath)
                (shell-command (format "open \"%s\"" fPath)))
       ((string-equal system-type "gnu/linux")
        (mapc (lambda (fPath)
                (let ((process-connection-type nil))
                  (start-process "" nil "xdg-open" fPath))) myFileList))))))


This one opens the current directory in the on macOS.

(defun timu-dired-shell-open-dir ()
  "Open current directory at point with shell command \"open\".
This will open \"\" at current location."
  (timu-baseline-async-shell-command-no-window "open ./" ))


The function uses macOS Quick Look feature to preview the file at point. I use this one all the time.

(defun timu-dired-shell-quicklook ()
  "Open the files at point with shell command \"qlmanage\".
This will display a Quicklook of the file at point in macOS."
  (setq file (dired-get-file-for-visit))
   (concat "qlmanage -p " (shell-quote-argument file) " > /dev/null 2>&1")))


Honestly do not use this one a lot. However it is quite useful to have in those cases. It is simple. It copies the full path of the file at point.

(defun timu-dired-copy-path-at-point ()
  "Copy the full path of the at `point' to the `kill-ring'.
  (dired-copy-filename-as-kill 0))


consult-line is a wonderful command to search the current buffer. I use it to search for a directory in the Dired buffer and enter it with dired-find-alternate-file.

(defun timu-dired-search-and-enter ()
  "Search file or directory with `consult-line' and then visit it."